Saturday, 1 February 2014

The Chat

(2nd Jan 2014 – Dalton Crags)

I have spoken to some interesting people,
Who had lots of tales to tell,
They interest you, and you them,
It gets you away from listening to me!
I wish I could remember their say,
They seemed so filled with wisdom,
In such a short time we covered the best,
So never mind the rest!

(This is just a quick poem I did, because as a rule, On most days I will meet up with someone whilst out on my daily walks up Dalton. Some stop and converse, and usually the ones that do are so interesting in their conversations and always seem knowledgeable and learned and full of wisdom spoken on their varying subjects.

 And I also get the impression that they also enjoy my conversation with them likewise.  In such a short time so much is offered,
And there is a wonderful bonus to it all as well: eg: It stops me thinking for a short while about my stuff and transports me away from listening to me!

If only I could remember all these conversations, but I suppose I do remember the "jist" of it all)